The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21231   Message #224986
Posted By: Jon Freeman
08-May-00 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Support from HearMe for Macs
Subject: RE: Support from HearMe for Macs

We have put the Mac platform as a future goal but, unfortunately, at this time does not support the Macintosh format. We realize that we are missing out on a lot of potential members, and we apologize for the frustration. Please keep an eye on our progress at:


HearMe Customer Support

Original message follows: -------------------------

================================================== -- Support form -- ==================================================

Name: Jon Freeman Email Address:

---------Comments---------- Hi, I have Hearme voice creator on my web space and it is used by members of Mudcat for a song circle. I (and i think I can say we) are delighted with the program and what it has made possible for us - we have people from UK, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina all joining in sharing songs.

The only problem I have is that there are Mac users keen to join in. I know you are working on something but have you any idea of when a Mac version will become available?