The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108237   Message #2250196
Posted By: Jim Lad
01-Feb-08 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
Subject: RE: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
Ron: To the question of licenses for illegal immigrants.
Firstly. Obama was asked a much more general question about immigration & the Driver's License question was rather unfairly given just to Hillary Clinton.
There was a definite slant by the moderators throughout the debate to the point that Wolfe Blitzer was actually booed by the audience at one point.
Mind you it wasn't quite as bad as the last one which CNN held on Dr King's day and tried at several points to draw parallels between King & Obama. This guy is no Dr. King.
Nevertheless: Senator Clinton refused to answer the question without qualifying her answer. So she went back to the same question that was given to Mr Obama and finished with (and I'm paraphrasing) "Only when they have met with all of the criteria, would they consider drivers' licenses. The criteria included such things as learning to speak English, going to the back of the line, paying back taxes and so on.
She was actually misquoted by Wolfe Blitzer when he said that she wouldn't give them licenses.
As for the Hispanics.... I have been an immigrant in one country or another now, for more than half of my life. I know what it feels like to wake up every day, an immigrant.
Hillary Clinton's response to the illegal immigrant question was the most extremely well informed that I have ever heard from any politician, anywhere. Her plan was comprehensive and put forward in such a way that it made sense to everyone as were most or all of her policy statements.. I think you'll find that her Hispanic following will actually increase because of it.
Obama was okay, better than in past debates but not in the same league. I really was hoping to see more from him but it just wasn't there. "Change" makes a fine slogan but after you hear it a few times it gets old.
They should change that now.