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Thread #108237   Message #2250429
Posted By: Charley Noble
01-Feb-08 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
Subject: RE: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
I'd award the debate points fairly evenly. Both candidates got in a few favorite lines, Clinton with regard to "Clintons cleaning up the Bush messes" and Obama with regard to "it's not enough to be ready on day one if you make the wrong decision" and all the mean-spirited "scapgoating" at CNN and by conservative Republicans (and some Democrats) on the illegal immigrant issue.

I thought their differences on universal healthcare were pretty narrow, but I would still prefer a "single-payer" plan and ditch subsidizing the health insurance shell game.

Obama gets credit for consistent opposition to Bush's Iraq adventure but their strategies for withdrawal appear similar and appropriately qualified, even with a so-called Obama deadline for withdrawal.

I thought Clinton did a good job of fending off some of Blizer's more loaded questions, and with good humor. She did respond to the question of "who would make Presidential decisions in the Whitehouse," that it would ultimately be her decision. One wonders if Bill Clinton threw a tantrum at that point, from wherever he was viewing the debate; he was not in evidence in the audience.

I was favorably impressed with the level of civility between the two candidates, though with their acknowledgement that they are in keen compeition for the nomination. And that any consideration of "vice-presidential candidate preference" is premature.

I also liked Obama's slap at Romney's financial management qualifications as he pointed out that he had garnered more votes per campaign dollar than Romney had. However, neither candidate was pressed on major economic issues or what their solutions would be. Odd, given that the economy is considered the number one issue at this point in the campaign.


Interesting post about the Mexican War adventure.

Charley Noble