The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108252   Message #2250745
Posted By: Richard Bridge
01-Feb-08 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Pianos In Folk Music
Subject: RE: Pianos In Folk Music
Horrid Horrid Horrid on English folk music (1954 def) and even most nu-folk and neofolk.

They can ruin even June Tabor's singing (which is wonderful). They spoil Carol King.

There was a rather good band (I forget who) at Ely 2007 - and then the effing piano came thundering in and ruined it and my friends all laughed 'cos I stood up and said "Soddit it's a friggin piano I'm out of here" and left.

They ruin the two best Fairport original compositions ("Let her go Down", and the one about transportation to America - Virginny).

Irreplaceable for barrelhouse and boogie and boogie-woogie, great in the hands of Eddie Boyd, Champion Jack Dupree, Louisiana Red, and Doctor John - Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard - people who remember they are a percussion instrument - horrid in the hands of Christine Perfect (Chicken Shack) while still trying to play blues. Grand pianos are worse than uprights. Reg Dwight is wholly unlistenable to (with the possible exception of "Border Song", which nearly makes it as blue eyed soul).