The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108255   Message #2251007
Posted By: Bobert
01-Feb-08 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Subject: RE: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
If is is yet another Bush PR stunt, then Bush should be impeached...

Yeah, the problem with the PR crap that the Bush people have gotten away with for 7 long years is that it always hits its mark but when it is found out to be just another friggin' lie that has been devised to keep people all pissed off then the tretarctions are buried on page A-17...

Here is my suggestion... Assume it is a lie... No matter how disgusting, it most likely is just that... Bush and his "Surge", which BTW is another bigass lie, want you folks to think what ***he*** wants you to think...

If I had to rawe this one on the credibility chart I'd give this one about a 1 in 20 chance of being the truth...

But if you want to believe it, go ahead... It's supposedly a free country and that means that you can believe the sky is green if you like...

So have at it...
