The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108255   Message #2251582
Posted By: Bobert
02-Feb-08 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Subject: RE: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
You missed my point, Mick...

Yes, if Down Syndrome women were sent unknowingly to their deaths this would certainly be a cowardly and evil act, regarless of one's cultural background...

What I am suggesting here is we aren't getting the correct story... It smells like fish to me...

The Bush people have been hellbent in portraying "The Surge" as this big sucess... These bombings didn't fit in with the PR and so, IMO, the Down Syndrome women were invented...

...thus keeping folks attention off the absolute stupidity of this war and onto "the boogie man" who the Bushites conviently always seem to come up with when things look bad for them...

As for "The Surge" being a success??? What a complete joke... Paying Sunni's billions of our tax dollars not to kill our kids isn't a success... It's like the mom and pop stores who used to pay "protection money" to the mob... Meanwhile, those billion$ of borrowed dollar$ are part of the reason our economy is in the crapper... Where's the success in that??? "The Surge" is a complete failure and all the PR money in the world won't change that...

It's up to all of US to question every story that comes out of the media 'cause with less and less money actually going into corporate "news departments", big media is dependent more and more for having to report just what the governemnt wants them to report...

This is the fox watching the hen house...
