The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108255   Message #2251997
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Feb-08 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Subject: RE: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Bobert, you know I take 'most everything with whole heaping cups full of salt.

I believe this. I believe this because it's been done before.

Take for example the use of airplanes as missiles, crashing them into the structures of the "enemy." September 11, 2001 wasn't the first time it was done -- the Japanese kamikazis did it in 1944. The horror in 2001 was that it was a direct targeting of civilians.

Children were used as bomb carriers by the VC, by the Palestinians, by guerilla forces in Africa.

Children have been used as soldiers: in Africa, in WW2, in Vietnam, to name just a few.

There will be worse to come. That's all I can promise you. I have no doubt whatsoever of that.