The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108255   Message #2252851
Posted By: Kent Davis
03-Feb-08 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Subject: RE: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Either the bombers were significantly mentally handicapped or they weren't.
If they were mentally handicapped, they could not have given meaningful consent to their mission. Thus they were not suicide bombers but rather murder victims.
If they were not mentally handicapped, they could have given consent. However, the other 68 who were killed presumbably did not give consent.
So the great question being debated here is whether 70 innocent people were deliberately killed, or only 68.
I'm with Bobert on this one. I could easily see how they might kill 68 innocent people by remote control, but 70?!?! No way!

P.S. to Kendall,
You wrote, "Don't forget, if a Muslim dies in defense of Islam against the infidel, they go directly to heaven. It's THEIR belief system that motivates them, not ours." That would be relevant if, in this attack, any Muslim had died in defense of Islam against the infidel. Where did you read that the 68 (or 70) who were killed were Islam-attacking infidels? I missed that part.