The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108255   Message #2252876
Posted By: Nickhere
03-Feb-08 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
Subject: RE: BS: Down Syndrome women used as bombers
So to keep a long post short (or at least broken into smaller posts) the bonanza of lying that's been going on in relation to the war in Iraq and the absoulte lack of even a shred of credibility among any of or so-called leaders has meant no one knows what to believe anymore, and everything is treated with suspicion until some solid fact or cross referencing allows it to be verified. Conspiracy theorists have a field day, and are probably right some of the time at least.

There should be some new verbs introduced into our langauge - 1) blair (n) - a bold-faced lie told with a smile and the blame on someone else if caught out; To blair (v) to tell such a lie. "How did you get on at the job interview?" "Oh, fine, I told a blair or two about my CV, but I think I got away with it"   Or "He blaired his way through the interview.."

"To beat about the bush" (idiom) - a change of meaning from the old meaning of being deliberately vague. The new meaning would be 'to tell a string of lies about the evil nature and bad behaviour of someone you don't like in a semi-articulate fashion, that ironically describe one's own behaviour and attitudes almost exactly'.

Any takers? Maybe we could get the ball rolling.