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Thread #108237   Message #2252900
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Feb-08 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
Subject: RE: BS: 31 Jan: Clinton-Obama debate
Well, I don't really think she has a better chance against McCain than Obama does. But I know this. ALL people are under the very firm impression that their opinions are backed up by common sense and's just that their common sense and logic is coming from a different angle from someone else's, that's all. ;-)

EVERYBODY believes their own logic implicitly. That's how the human mind works. People form an opinion, based on an absolutely infinite number of different reasons...but the moment they have arrived AT that opinion, their mind begins detecting and concocting all sorts of supposedly logical arguments to support it...and they are frankly puzzled by how illogical their opponents' logical arguments sound! And their opponents are doing the same thing at the same time.

You can create a logical proposition of some sort to support ANY political viewpoint. Just listen to the candidates do it! ;-D

You see, who can claim to have a monopoly on logic? Or on facts? Or on which facts are most relevant to an issue and in which particular order?

No one. Because there are an infinite number of facts and viewpoints out there to pick from. But most people would certainly like to imagine that they (as opposed to those they disagree with) have a monopoly on reason and common sense, wouldn't they?

That, again, is how the human mind works. It's very opinionated and unreasonable. Once a human mind recognizes this unreasonableness in ITSELF as well as in may then be approaching some sort of level of maturity...and it may then begin to develop the ability to laugh heartily at its own frailties as well as at the frailties of others.

Mark Twain, I think, was quite good at that, and it makes his books a joy to read.