The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108112   Message #2254621
Posted By: Forsh
05-Feb-08 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: What did your Dad used to sing?
Subject: RE: What did your Dad used to sing?
Forsh the 1st, as I recall, was always singing, but the first one I recall him singing, and making us sing, was "When I was a little bitty baby, my mama would a-rock me in ma cradle.." etc.
He was from Ruddy NORTHALLERTON for Chrissake!
He also used to do a fine rendition of the Bernard Cribbins thing, "Right Said Fred" Loved that one, as he put on the Cockney Accent, which to me, as a Geordie, was quite hilarious in 1962/3 (?)
I only hope some of what I sing stays with my children & grandchildren.