The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2254865
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
06-Feb-08 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
MN went 2 to 1 for Obama, and gave Romney the nod on the Repub side.

I still say it will be Clinton v McCain in November.

As Ron has correctly pointed out, Obama isn't winning the Democratic base. Which is why he won't be the nominee.

"New" voters ain't all they are cracked up to be either. Here in MN they gave the governorship to Jesse Ventura. In case anyone is wondering, that one didn't work out too well. And his "new" voters have since slithered back into their snake holes.

You see, so-called Democrats like so many here don't get how to vote. They play prima donna with the whole voting thing.

Want to get the Republicans out of the White House and Congress?

Then shut up, and get in line behind Clinton.

If you don't care if Republicans remain in power, keep cheering for Obama. He has zero chance of beating McCain in November.

To me, the demographics are telling. Democrats are far more sexist than they are racist. But that didn't surprise me. I feel vindicated.

The venon towards Clinton here by the men is the perfect example of what I'm talking about--especially from the Boberts and Rons among us.