The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2254910
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
06-Feb-08 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
MN Republicans are insane, that's why. We have a Republican gov, who is quite popular & teflon-ish. He is McCain's campaign co-chair.

And when I say insane, I truly mean it. The Repub party here has been dominated for nearly 3 decades by rabid anti-abortionists. Seriously rabid. They went for Huckabee.

As to why Romney instead of McCain? It is pretty easy to see he got the "moderate" business Repubs. We have lots of Fortune 500 companies here.

And nobody knows how to vote their own self-interests better than so-called "moderate" big business Repubs. The recession ain't hurtin' any MN millionaires, I assure you. And we are a pretty affluent state.

Also, MN votes like Mass. does.