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Thread #108397   Message #2255058
Posted By: Amos
06-Feb-08 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
I woudl like to add this one remark: the reason Obama supporters flock to his campaign is not based on a single issue, such as compared health-care plans or stances on Iraq.

It is because they believe they have found a better human being to support. A person of more integrity, less duplicity, and a higher grade of public honesty than any of the predecessors in play.

They reason, quite correctly, that the most important attribute of the next PResident will not be how he resolved problems posed in 2000 or even 2007, but what kind of mettle he will show when faced with new world developments. None of us can easily forget the dazed, uncomprehending look on W's face as he sat their trying to read "My Pet Goat" and understand 9-11 at the same time. Frankly he looked like someone who had forgotten his lines.

When he did act, he acted unwisely, planned badly, followed through weakly, and lied about the whole thing from both sides of his head.

The BIG lack in the White House for the last eight years has been integrity and vision. Hillary borrows both factors from who ever is nearest or brightest on her radar.

This is what makes Obama a preferred candidate. We need someone with a driving soul, a standard of honesty and the ability to think through bullshit without falling into it. On THESE criteria he is far and away the better candidate of the two.