The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2255498
Posted By: Bobert
06-Feb-08 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Oh, get off that high horse, mg...

This boils down to nothing more than a bunch or wealthy Republicans who put together a "527" to get folks who, yes, served in Vietnam, but who were ***not there*** to witness what Kerry did or did not do... This was a purely disgusting piece of personal character assaination by folks who were Republican and wanted Bush to win in '04...

It was so over-the-top disgusting that it has crept into our vernacular... The English language is evolutionary and just becuase you think you have the right to stand up and say, "Hey, stop that" doesn't mean that it will stop... That is the nature of evolution...

The best thing you can do is accept that "swift boating" is part of our evolution, as well as our culture, and get over it... It is well beyond your grasp to stop it's use...

And I would hope that seein' that "swift boating" has become part of our language that folks in the future will not resort to leing about people records for political gain... In that context, it may have a positive effect on future campaigns...

BTW, Kerry wasn't the first to be targeted by Republicans... There is a certain former Georgia Senator who came home from Nam with no legs and only one fully functional arm who these folks "swift boated" outta office a few years back...
