The very idea that people are spinning yesterday as a victory for Obama is just bizarre.
And as to whether or not it goes to the convention--it could happen, but I think it is unlikely. For that to happen, Obama would have to win every state out of the next month's worth of primaries, which include some very large delegate count states (OH, TX, PA). That doesn't look very likely.
He also lost "the Big Mo" last night, as many pundits noted.
But the mainstream media is extremely sexist and prejudiced against Hilary Clinton. Hell, even Republican pundits like David Brooks of the NYT acknowledges it!
If the situation were actually reversed, and Obama had won what Clinton did, they'd all be screaming it was all over.
Really, really stupid to try spinning yesterday as a victory for either of them, but it especially was NOT a victory for Obama. The only big state he carried was his home state, and that doesn't bode terribly well for him in the upcoming races, despite a strong showing in some areas.
The big news of the night was that McCain didn't clinch it, and that Huckabee swept the south. The big news was all on the Republican side.
Obama has plenty of money to go the distance, and the biggest money vacuum on either side. But he will likely lose at least some of the momentum he had carrying him into yesterday, and you won't likely see Democratic office holders leaping on his bandwagon in droves, either.
Everyone in the party will now be much more cautious about their support for Obama, especially because it is clear that African Americans almost exclusively cast their votes based on race. That could really end up biting the Dems in the ass if Obama gets the nom, and has to go forward with a racially divided party base in the general.