The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2255585
Posted By: Amos
06-Feb-08 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
I think that's horse-pucky.

They voted for him because he is the only one saying what they are hungry to hear -- that a spark ofg promise, better ways, more honest government and ahope for a better life is possible. With real suggestions on how to do it.

It really pains my butt to see people like GG run this crap. They are missing the whole story, ignoring his trends and shooting off their mouths without assessing the scenario as it is going on.

That is not to say Obama is a shoo-in. He's not. But for the last six months his market share has been rising steadily on trend, while Hill's has been sagging. See the WaPo graphic linked above.

Obama is not really the man for the pundits (or "pundants" as some of them call themselves) because he is more than they can get their wits around.

That said, it is still anyone's guess how these trends will end up. They could go dfor a dive. I don't think it is likely but you never know.