The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2255627
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Feb-08 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
I agree with you, Amos, in your last posting.

And, even though gg thinks she knows all, now, no one can predict which way this is all going to pan out. There is an unrest among the people which is calling them to back Obama just because...they are for him because he is the only one who stands out, sounds different, seems to understand, is willing and open to change, etc. just because.

The folks I spoke with last night said they thought Hillary was too strong-willed in her stance on issues, i.e. her way or no way, and tainted by Bill. I don't happen to agree with them. I think Bill will go down in history as one of the best and most brilliant presidents we've ever had. I think she is being judged harshly because people still don't like it when a woman aspires to an historically man's position AND sticks by her guns, so to speak. Or, maybe it's just people don't know how to act about a woman who might actually be president. Maybe they only know how to judge as if she were a man?

It pisses me off, royally, that people are even considering that she might not be the one to make decisions. I am sure other white house spouses have consulted, conferred, advised, opined, etc. was it a problem? No, they were all wives, doing their "duty." Heaven forbid a woman might get in there with a brilliant, experienced husband whom she might consult. So what! She has made it clear she is her own woman and can handle him.

So, you see why I am a feminist I want to vote for Clinton, but my heart says go with Obama because of what I *hear*.