The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2256443
Posted By: Ebbie
07-Feb-08 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
I agree with Rig. I do NOT want Lieberman a heartbeat from the presidency. I think there is something seriously scary about him.

McCain/Huckabee is a different animal, imo. Huckabee, I understand, is a personable person (in person. ha!) and a wonderful speaker but I think he, in his views, would be vulnerable to ridicule and aghast response. I very much doubt that enough Americans, outside the South, would accept him or even take his views seriously. William Jennings Bryan comes to mind-Americans didn't accept him and that was in a much more overtly religious age.