The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108389   Message #2256567
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Feb-08 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: supernatural gone from american songs
Subject: RE: Folklore: supernatural gone from american son
'Suffolk Miracle'.
Up to twenty years ago this was one of the most popular ballads to be found among traditional singers in this part of the West of Ireland; long after it had disappeared elsewhere.
The supernatural element in ballads has always been a 'movable feast'; my particular favourite being the version of 'The Grey Cock' 'known as 'I'm A Rover', where the night visiting lover becomes a ploughboy, whose parting shot is:
"Remember lass, I'm a plooman laddie,
And the fairmer I must obey".
The most authoritative (and readable) work on the supernatural ballads by far is still, 'Folklore in The English and Scottish Ballads' by Lowry C Wimberly (Fredrick Ungar Pub. Co. N.Y. 1928.).
It was re-published in the 1960s in paperback by Dover Books.
Jim Carroll