The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108471   Message #2256985
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Feb-08 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
Subject: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
I woke up on Thursday morning, opened my eyes, took a look....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

I was stunned. I could hardly believe it, so I went to the workshop and got the yardstick, took an exact measurement....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

It hadda be a record.....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

So what could I do, faced with such a situation? I did what any red-blooded Canadian man would do, and engaged in Canada's national pastime for the next 3 or 4 hours...

Snow removal.

Man, I hate the stuff!

Yup. The Orillia newspaper says that we got 40 centimeters of snowfall on Wednesday night, and that it has set a new record since the records first started being kept in the 1800s. Yippee.

Aren't we lucky, eh? Pray for Spring!