The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108489   Message #2257801
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
09-Feb-08 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Subject: RE: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Your Obamarama True Blue colors are showing Amos.

As the parent of a politically active daughter just a bit younger than Chelsea Clinton, it hit a chord with me, as it has a few others here.

You are just trying to minimize it because you are cynically spinning it away from empathy for the Clintons. They didn't ask for this, though. And that's what any decent person can see when they see this story.

What should happen? How about an investigation by Congress into media bias and the need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine? How about some hefty FCC fines for this? You can bet there would be fines for the network had they said the same thing about Laura Bush & one of the Bush's daughters.