The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108489   Message #2257846
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
09-Feb-08 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Subject: RE: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
But this, on top of the Matthews commentary, on top of the Imus all adds up, and if enough people go ballistic over it, and vox populi won't let it rest, we could effect some REAL bi-partisan change by getting the Fairness Doctrine reinstated.

See, here is where I part company with the not so terribly bright partisans. The Obama camp doesn't want a big deal to be made of this, because it could garner sympathy for the Clinton campaign.

We all know that the Rush Limbaughs and Bill O'Reillys and Sean Hannitys and Fox News apparatchik need to be reigned in. When something like this happens and the opportunity is missed because of bloody campaign politics, it just infuriates people even more, and alienates them even further from the political process.

The hatred that the Amos, Charley & Ron D show is so obvious. Their true concern isn't for everyman or democracy. Their true concern is winning at all costs.

I despise the politicians that the Clintons are, just as I do Bush/Cheney. But at the end of the day, I know well enough that hating and creating them as "the enemy" in my head and heart only binds me further to them, and blinds me and prevents me from seeing the world accurately. At the end of the day, even Hitler and Idi Amin were human. We should NEVER lose sight of that. Or of the need to fight for the rights of the people we don't like, to protect the rights of all people, not "just us".