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Thread #108489   Message #2257893
Posted By: Barry Finn
09-Feb-08 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Subject: RE: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Leaving the kids out has been a fair & decent policy for some time now, & rightly justified. We didn't hear much about W or Jeb when Bush the 1st was in office or running & it's a shame we didn't cause if he had been outed back then he may not have come close to the White House. Other childern of the recently past administarations havve been left out, though Chelsea did take some flack early on. Even Dan Quale's kids (after the wimp's plea) were left alone.

This was a below the belt remark, as far as under reported, I can't say, I heard about it on NPR & was pleased with Hillary's thoughts on scrapping the debate. Give the debates over to a network with a bit more respect & control, after all is that what the public wants as a moderator whose network spouts those kind of qualifications. It would also send a message "hands & mouths off" & "fair play" for everyone. Smear campaining shpould be halted every trime it rears it's head it only leads to "swift boating".   

It bad enough that the public can't trust the reporting about the people running, actually the news networks have degraded themselves so much that they should be policing their own. The way this present administration manipulated the news media & how the news media allowe themselves to be manipulated from the out set they, tthe news media have a long way to go to make up for their past transgressions, a very long way & this was 1 way to make a start at rejustifing (is that a new word?) their role in society, They should can the ass, give over the debate to another newtwork, apologize widely & publicly & make a promise to uphold their place in society as an unbias news source/media & to bring back reporting the news to something more than acting like power-rats-ies.
