The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108489   Message #2257918
Posted By: Barry Finn
09-Feb-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
Subject: RE: BS: Pimpin' Chelsea
It maybe a non news issue but it is a media issue. I agree he should be fired but what's really "MY-ISSUE" is that the news media is a cess-pool. It's bais reporting is an insult to the public, it's sense of fair play sucks, it's backbone is up to it's own ass in shit, it sells scandle, hype & spin but hardly the news worth reporting. For the past 7 yrs it's been politically white washed, it couldn't even ask an intellegant question about the how we entered the war or how the was was justified, it became a mouth piece for who ever welded a club (a club in many sences of the word). IMHO the news media isn't hardly worth a politican's oath & it's best that they should start a full scale revamping of it from top to bottom.
Otherwise they're just rats feeding from the same cess-pool that they wallow around in, in their search for something to print.

Is it obivious that I hold no high opinion of them? Does anyone?
