The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21088   Message #225842
Posted By: Amos
10-May-00 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Subject: RE: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
From ZDNet, another blanketyblamk LoveBug variant -- damn Psychos. Orignal link is over here.

New 'ILOVEYOU' worm detected
There's a new worm based on "ILOVEYOU" (Loveletter.A). It's different enough that it has it's own name, "Friendmess.A." This new worm rewrites the Autoexec.bat file so that it deletes the Windows directory and the Windows/System and Windows/Temp subdirectories. While the "Friend Message" worm does not spread through IRC chat rooms, it does use MS Outlook address books. Full Story -- Robert Vamosi, ZDNet Help & How To

See also: ZDNN's Computing section