The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108515   Message #2258579
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Feb-08 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
And Tom.....Some subjects are worth revisiting every now and again. This has often been discussed here but its normal to talk about it every so often.

There is so much more here than music if you want it. Very few sites become as "intimate," for lack of a better word, as the 'Cat. I came here in '98 and have seen the reactions of people here including myself, in all manner of situations. Mostly I have seen the best of what people can be but occasionally I've seen the worst. It makes Mudcat much like any other part of life. I get a kick out some who rag on the joint saying its nothing but another message board. For some reason though they keep coming back. We have someone posting on the political threads at the moment who swears undying contempt (for the past 7 or 8 years) for the place and yet can't seem to stay away. She and a few others like Gargoyle are kinda' our "In-House Trolls." But ain't that a lot like the 3D world too?

I've learned more than I ever needed or wanted to know on some subjects and found myself amazed at the depth of knowledge and intelligence that inhabits this place. I've laughed til I've cried at some of the wit and humor. And I've simply cried over losing close friends I have made here, many of whom I never met in the 3D. It didn't make their friendship or their loss any less real.

I've had the privilege of inflicting my incredibly warped sense of humor on the place and also sharing the most personal details of my life with one of the most supportive communities I have ever any fashion. Don't let anyone tell you that the 'Cat isn't a "place." The people here have pulled me through some tough times and I hope I have helped out when they needed an ear or a good thought.

We're glad you're here Tom and I hope you enjoy your stay.......and that its a long one. ...........your stay that is............well, that too but I was referring to your stay here and not your dick.............but then again you probably figured that out................or maybe not..................hell, I dunno'.............just skip this paragraph....................or not...........
