The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2258597
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Feb-08 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
GUEST,Guest, Janet, GG, or whoever or whatever you are, I am curious about something.

It's easy enough for people who don't want to bother with such inconvenient processes as thinking—or especially for those who don't wish others to take the trouble to think—to invent a pigeon-hole, slap a label on it, and then try to stuff anyone who doesn't share your viewpoint into that pigeon-hole, thereby dismissing anything they have to say from that point on, no matter how accurate and to the point it may be.

I might add that it's a little difficult to agree with you because other than indicating that you don't like anybody, you're fed up, and you think everyone should just give up (or possibly that you are trying to pave the way to urging bloody revolution), you haven't been at all clear about what your viewpoint actually is.

(Are you intellectually up to following those sentences?)

You have used the epithet "true blue" (with a variety of spellings) on several occasions and on several threads now.

How, exactly, do you define "true blue?"

Or do you actually have a definition, beyond "someone who doesn't agree with me?"

Don Firth