The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2259058
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Feb-08 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
Frankly, Q, I don't know what the hell the Washington State board of elections think their doing. I had thought, judging from local news a few days ago, that the neighborhood caucuses were going to be turned into informal discussion groups and generally disregarded (much unlike previous elections) and that the party's delegate commitments would be based on the results of the primary. But—it seems that it's just the other way around!

I didn't go to my neighborhood caucus, which I normally do, because of this, assuming that I would make my will known in the primary (I already have my mail-in ballot). But now it seems that the deed is already done and they are just going to count the votes in the primary for curiosity's sake, but that will have no effect on the allocation of delegates.

But apparently it was an equal-opportunity screw-up. Same deal for the state's Republicans.

Then why go to the expense of having a primary at all!??

A lot of people assumed as I did, didn't go to the caucuses, figuring they'd make their will known through the ballot, and are suddenly very ticked off about this.

In my opinion, the whole state elections board needs a good, solid dope-slap!

Don Firth