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Thread #108519   Message #2259121
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Feb-08 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cleaning blackened saucepans
Subject: RE: BS: Cleaning blackened saucepans
The thing about Alzheimer's being caused by aluminum was exploded long ago. From "Scientific American" via Snopes:

Two more researchers have responded to this question. Leonard Berg is a professor of neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis; until recently, he directed the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center there. He replies:

"There is no proof, and the current consensus is that aluminum does not play a major role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. But because the causes of the disorder are not understood at this time, one cannot rule out the possibility that aluminum could play a minor role. In our Center, we do not recommend that people avoid aluminum cooking pans or aluminum-containing antiperspirants or antacids because there is little evidence that such lifestyle changes are helpful. Moreover, it is impossible to avoid ingesting a certain amount of aluminum, which is found naturally in food and water."

Zaven S. Khachaturian is the director of the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute. He has written a review article on the disease in July/August issue of The Sciences. He adds:

"This issue has been the subject of many studies, workshops and reports since the early 1970s. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer either to implicate or to absolve the role of aluminum in causing Alzheimer's disease. At present it is not clear whether the aluminum found in the brain of an Alzheimer's victim got there because there is disease already in progress or if the aluminum starts the process.

"In the mind of many scientists, if aluminum plays a role it is most probably a secondary one. The reasoning for this position is based on the fact that aluminum is one of the most abundant and pervasive elements. It is found everywhere--it is in the water we drink, it is in the dust we breathe, it is in many of he substances we use every day such as coke in glass bottles, food preservatives, many cosmetics and food dyes. Even if we stop using pots and pans or underarm deodorants, it will be virtually impossible to avoid aluminum. Given this type of exposure of the general population, if aluminum is playing a major role then one would expect the numbers of people affected by Alzheimer's to be much higher than they are found in epidemiological studies."