The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108515   Message #2259411
Posted By: Bill D
11-Feb-08 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
In addition to most of the things mentioned by others, I've learned a lot about myself.

In conversing about many interesting topics, I spent time composing ideas & answers much more slowly than I would have in person: often having days or weeks to consider my feelings or positions. I have learned to hone and refine my comments and perhaps revise a few of them! *wry grin*.

   There are so many folks here with different positions, attitudes, knowlege...and yes...even weirdnesses... that I have learned to moderate how I interact with them. Maybe *I* am a bit of a better person for having hung out here for over 11 years. (yes...since late Oct. of 96!)