The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2260064
Posted By: Don Firth
11-Feb-08 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
Rig, one can outblow the blowhards, and if it's an elitest process, it's because you let it be.

If some blowhard tries to dominate the meeting (which is not really easy to do, because in a caucus, you spend a fair amount of time split up in different groups), I've found that if one person interrupts and challenges them, that one person will suddenly have a chorus of a couple dozen people also challenging the blowhard.

Been there. Done that.

Think we need leaders? Okay! BE a leader!

Don Firth

(If you sit back and say "Let George do it . . . well, as we have seen over the past seven years, George might be the one who's doing it!)