The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2260112
Posted By: Riginslinger
12-Feb-08 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
Don - I can see that there is an advantage to a caucus for the people who can and will attend. And I never would have given it a thought, I don't think, if it wasn't for the way this primary season is playing out. Usually, the whole thing would be over by now and these issues never would have materialized.

                But what we are seeing is this: in primaries, where the working poor participate, Hillary often wins. In the caucuses, where the working poor seldom participate, Obama often wins. The people who would vote for Hillary in the primaries, do not participate in the caucuses.

                Like I said earlier. I don't think I could or would ever participate in a caucus. It would be something I would find very intimidating.