The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2261116
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Feb-08 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries

So now it's the wine vs beer indicator, eh?

Actually, it's bit more complex than that.

If the wine drinkers come out to vote and the beer drinkers don't, that will tell the tale. So if your Bud drinkers don't feel a compelling reason to support their candidate they don't have to vote for the opposition--just stay home. The result will be the same.

And there are plenty of Democratic beer drinkers--and wine drinkers-- who will support the Democratic candidate--rather than see another Republican get in.

What's more, independents and some Republicans will also support the Democrat--if he is Obama. They will not support Hillary.

Your oh-so -subtle class division fails.