The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108397   Message #2261945
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Feb-08 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Primaries
Subject: RE: BS: Primaries
Who ever said it was monolithic?

I am not saying that at all. There are various factions within the moneyed status quo who constantly vie against each other for the most influence, and they do not necessarily agree on all policies. Hardly. But what they do pretty much agree on in a general sense is which people and which stories are given big coverage in the media...and which are downplayed, marginalized, or ignored. They also agree on just how far outside the usual political box you can go and still get treated with any respect...and that is not too far. Some truths cannot be stated. If you state them, you are tuned out of the media from then on. (but you can still get on the Internet) Scott Ritter is someone who has been tuned out of the MSM for a long time now, but he's got some great stuff on the Net.

In other words, some people don't get a ticket to enter the great public media show, while others do. The way to get your ticket is to stay within certain unofficial guidelines. Kucinich was denied his ticket on numerous is the case with anyone who really seriously challenges the status quo.

It's also necessary to maintain opposing points of view if you want to play the Great Game: Divide and Conquer. A public that can be divided into...

Left vs Right
liberal vs conservative
Black vs White
Hispanics vs Whites
Religious vs non-religious
Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice
Democrat vs Republican
Male vs Female
Straight vs Gay

and a whole whack of other such dichotomies...

That is a public that can be easily manipulated and controlled by turning their combative energies mostly against one another rather than against the very basic power structure of the $ySStem itself.

And that's why the game is played the way it is. It keeps people mesmerized with divisive issues, and keeps them chewing over old history and old conflicts.

This again is not so much a monolithic conspiracy as it is a generalized way that has evolved over centuries of coping with the ongoing maintainence and perpetuation of established political power. Sometimes it grows more corrupt, sometimes less so.

The same things were done in Imperial Spain or Elizabethan England in the 1500s, for heaven's sake, only the outer details were different! The powerful find, by trial and error, all the ways that they can best maintain and enlarge their power, and keep the public in support of the ruling system. You can call it a conspiracy if you want, but what it really is simply a set of standard modus operandi for the power brokers of this world, and the power brokers are and always have been those with the most money and weaponry.