The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108515   Message #2262794
Posted By: Azizi
14-Feb-08 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
I have learned that posting on this online forum is a meaning full, often educational, sometimes enjoyable, sometimes maddening, sometimes energizing, and sometimes emotionally draining form of interaction.

I have learned that a person's spirit can be communicated vividly through their words, so much so that over time and/or as the result of a large number of posts in a short time, it can seem as though you know other people who post here very well, even if you've never met them-and may never meet them-face to face.

I have learned that you can very much like some things about some people, and very much dislike some other things about the same people.

I have learned that because of the positive experiences I have had relating with them on this forum, the positions that some people take on issues that I consider important matter to me so much more than the same positions taken by other people who post here who I have not related to [with?} as well.

I have learned that I have a lot to learn- about music, folk cultures, and life itself.

{Actually, I knew the last four things before my involvement on Mudcat, but I know them more deeply now than I did before}