The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108519   Message #2262949
Posted By: Richard Bridge
15-Feb-08 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cleaning blackened saucepans
Subject: RE: BS: Cleaning blackened saucepans
I gave up being a domestic god years ago. Jacqui, with whom I later settled down and who died in 2003, had "trained" me to clean her stainless steel sink after we did the washing up.

Well, thre was a hiatus in our reltionship, and one of the girls I was then seeing, Nikki, was a physiotherapy student who lived in a student block attached to the teaching hospital. All students in that wing were women.

So, one weekend, I arrived, and she was making a ratatouille, and we got sort of distracted not having seen each other for a fortnight.

After that the ratatouille which was still cooking in the shared kitchen in that floor of the block was not quite so nice, and it took a bit of removing from the saucepan.

After which I cleaned the stainless steeel sink as Jacqui had "trained" me. I heard a snigger at the door, and there was one of my girlfriend's female friends with a psychology textbook in her hand, and she asked "Does he wash his hands a lot too?"