The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108525   Message #2264555
Posted By: Jeri
17-Feb-08 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Feb. Shanty/Forebitter Session (NH)
Subject: RE: Feb. Shanty/Forebitter Session (NH)
The discussion about Seaman's Hymn which was sung by Bruce was about Louis Killen's harmony wot's got a 6th of some sort note in it. Personally, I think we could adapt pretty well, provided folks were told about it and listened. Worth finding out.

It didn't feel that cold and the sun was out. I got a really good parking spot then realized why nobody was already there: giant block of NH granite snow. (I wonder what the Inuit word for THAT shit is?) I got out the passenger door. Good session, but I did miss folks that couldn't make it.

(Tom, why do they put notes on concertinas than only dogs and people sitting right next to the concertinas can hear? Reminds me of dentist drills.)