The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108722   Message #2265314
Posted By: Azizi
18-Feb-08 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Yes We Can video & other similar videos
Subject: RE: Yes We Can video & other similar videos

I just read this sentence and said "What?!"

Here's a link to what I believe is the first video parody that was of the produced of the Yes We Can video:

I meant to write something like "Here's a link to what I believe is the fist video parody of the "Yes We Can" video.

I'm sure that I've made other sentence formation, grammar, and typing mistakes in this thread. I'm sorry about that.


Btw, I think it's important to note that neither will i am's "Yes We Can" video nor any of the other subsequent parody videos were made with the knowledge or consent of the Barack Obama campaign or any other political campaign.

However, I imagine that Barack Obama is pleased with these videos-and I imagine that John McCain isn't.

Also, isn't it interesting that these video parodies focus on John McCain-the presumptive Republican presidental nominee-rather than on Hillary Clinton, who is also still campaigning for the Democratic presidental nomination?

I'm glad about that.