The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108688   Message #2265572
Posted By: GUEST,Pinetop Slim
18-Feb-08 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Why is Kumbaya a dirty word?
Subject: RE: Why is Kumbaya a dirty word?
Thanks for posting the lyrics, Lonesome EJ. Insert the meaning of Kumbayah as posted earlier -- Come By Here -- and it reads like a very lovely benediction. If such a benediction has become a cliche, we all may be in deeper trouble than we thought.
And if we're ashamed to admit to idealism or, worse, inclined to sneer at it, we're in deeper trouble still.
Kumbayah needs a Willie Nelson, someone able to pick a worn-out song off the trash heap and breathe new life into it.