The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108737 Message #2265956
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-08 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Swiftboated
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Swiftboated
Interesting angle, freightdawg. Yes, Kerry and the Democratic Party shamelessly exploited the "war hero" angle, because they thought it would be a great way to undercut George Bush and get votes. The Republicans shamelessly exploited the Jane Fonda angle and the swift boaters' attacks on Kerry, because they thought it would be a good way to take votes away from him.
It was crassly manipulative behaviour on both sides, in my opinion, but absolutely typical of what they both do at election time. Party politics in presidential campaigns is truly a sickening spectacle to behold. The attempt is so often made to reach the lowest common denominator and appeal to people's worst instincts and prejudices.
What in the world does being a war hero have to do with being a good civilian leader? I want a war hero if I'm about to fight a pitched battle and I need experienced men to do the fighting. I want someone with quite different qualifications to run a government, I can assure you. A government is supposed to negotiate, find compromises, administrate, regulate, govern, pass laws, bring together different factions and find solutions to differences. A warrior is supposed to fight a battle on the field of war with an "enemy" and win it...or die trying. Those are utterly different jobs, and they have very little in common.
To run a "war hero" for high political office (as if being a war hero had anything to do with it) is just downright silly. It's a primitive appeal to people's emotions. Typical campaign tactics, in other words....although I cannot recall any Canadian politician who ran for office on the basis of being a "war hero". It seems to be a very American phenomenon.
Take John McCain for instance. Why should his war experiences have anything to do with his electability? Man, you would think it was ancient Rome or something. The Romans just loved elevating their most famous war heros to the halls of civil power. Why? Because they lived to conquer. They conquered virtually every place they could physically reach. Think about that.
Nations that persist in electing (or appointing) famous war leaders and war heros to high office are dangerous nations.