The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108829   Message #2268389
Posted By: JohnInKansas
21-Feb-08 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: It will all be over in 3 minutes
Subject: RE: BS: It will all be over in 3 minutes
We're FEMA and we're here to help

Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:07 PM PT
Filed Under: Espionage
By Robert Windrem and Dan Linden

If the sky is falling, FEMA is prepared to catch it.
That's the message tonight from FEMA-the agency made famous by its anemic response to Hurricane Katrina-to the threat posed by a spy satellite that could soon come crashing to earth.

FEMA has produced a memo and 18-page guide, a "First Responder Guide for Space Object Re-Entry," that have been sent to thousands of local police, fire and emergency service agencies around the country. It also has helpful hints for the public.

FEMA also has placed six "Federal Joint Interagency Task Forces" on alert in FEMA regions, ready to be deployed, just in case, according to the FEMA memo. A "Consequence Management Group" has been assembled at the Department of Homeland Security's National Operations Center in Washington to manage the crisis, the memo adds.

There will be real-time contact with the Pentagon tonight during a planned shoot down of the spy satellite, and even a FEMA representative at the DoD operations center, a FEMA spokesman says.

So why is FEMA even involved, at taxpayer expense? ...

[More at the link, if you can quit laughing.]
