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Thread #106771   Message #2269081
Posted By: beardedbruce
21-Feb-08 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
"You, on the other hand, explicitly support continued warfare by Israel against its neighbors, and the continued ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. And that is what is going to continue to get people killed. "


I support the right of Israel to defend itself against attacks, such as the daily rockets from Gaza. I do not support ethnic clensing any more than you do, in your silence on the removal of Jews from the West Bank ( when under Arab control) and from Arab nations.

When YOU demand that those Jews get their property back, I will demand that the Palestinians who left Israel get their property back- AS LONG AS THEY BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS, as was offered to them ( and refused by them) in 1948.

My questions was why did the ARAB nations not settle the palestinians when the ARAB nations controlled the West Bank and Gaza? If it was NOT Palestine, then why are the Palestinians asking for it now? If it was, then Jordan and Egypt should have let the Palestinians settle there, instead of keeping tem in camps and breeding dispair and misery.

Notice that under the PEACE treaty between Jordan and Israel, the eastern border is basically the Jordan river, the EASTERN edge of the West Bank. Jordan thus acknowledged that it had no claim to the West Bank.