The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108857   Message #2269315
Posted By: Richard Bridge
22-Feb-08 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: Do you think I could be a professional?
Subject: RE: Do you think I could be a professional?
I've merely dipped into a couple of songs. They all seemed very nicely done. A lot about "Lord of the Rings". I have been told that it is easier to make a living in "Filk" than in folk or contemporary snigger-snogwriter.

If you can track down Lawrence Dean from Faversham club he may be able to tell you more about how to get revenues from SF-related song: he has at least one nice song about Gormenghast on his list.

It is very very hard indeed to make even the barest living from the wide genre of acoustic music and regrettably stuff like Bedingfield and Blount seems to be the most marketable.

A nuber of people I have known manage(d) by having a fixed income eg a small pension from an early retirement and "topping up" with a gig or two a week. Folk club gigs tend not to pay over £100, and the petrol to get there costs.

If you know a recording studio prepared to take a punt (they invest the studio time and take a share of revenues) it might be worth cutting down the number of your vids on YouTube and promoting CDs to be sold from a website to see what take up there might be. With the increasing number of hime studios it might be a possible route to explore.