The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107404   Message #2269625
Posted By: Midchuck
22-Feb-08 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2nd Joke thread of 2008!
Subject: RE: BS: 2nd Joke thread of 2008!
(Thread drift -- not a joke.)
When my son was little, he thought "stupid" was a bad word, so he might well have thought it was the "s-word." His day care provider had emphatically taught all her charges that it was not allowed to call another kid stupid--which I totally support. Probably more damage has been done by calling kids "stupid" than by swearing at them.

Some years back, we played an outdoor gig at the local farmers' market. So Mizchuck sings Lou and Peter Berryman's "A Chat With Your Mother" (the one that everyone always calls "The F-word Song). Afterwords some lady (I give her the benefit of the doubt) comes up and complains that that song is unsuitable for a family audience. Kris says, "But there are no bad words in it at all! That's the whole point of it!" The woman says "Yes, but what if my child should ask what the F-word is? What would I tell him?" Kris asks how old the kid is, woman says he's in kindergarten. Kris says, "He Knows." Woman went away.

I'd have been tempted to answer her with eight words, the last six of which would be "...if you can't take a joke." But that's why we let Kris do our PR.
