The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108879   Message #2270056
Posted By: Slag
22-Feb-08 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: How do you pronounce 'coyote'
Subject: RE: Folklore: How do you pronounce 'coyote'
Rapaire pretty much has it right. Accent is in descending order. The "t" is barely audible and could even be taken for a soft "d" sound and as Rap said, the "ee" part is left off as much as on. I knew a couple of old timers who called them Song Dogs. I live in mountainous country and when they come prowling around the house at night while I'm trying to sleep and start "singing" I call them other names that I won't repeat here. I usually grab my gun and step out and fire a round off into the hillside in a safe direction. I wouldn't want to hurt them as they are wonderful rodent and pest control and all around neat creatures.