The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108897   Message #2270745
Posted By: Amos
23-Feb-08 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Putting all the Sturm und Drang to one side, she says Barack's fliers painted her in a false light. He says the fliers were factual. Seems to me it would be simple enough to sort out what he said in the fliers and whether or not it was true. For example, he accused her of voting to support the war in Iraq without reading the intell brief dissenting from the WMD story. She said very few Senators read the intell brief -- preferring to attend an oral brief (much less information).. Is that an answer? No. Is it a dodge? Perhaps. If she did not read it AND she voted for the war (which at the time she did) then the statement is true. This is simple propositional logic, and has nothing to do with histrionics.