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Thread #108897   Message #2270783
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Feb-08 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
And, GG - Well, it'll either be a Democrat or a Republican that gets elected, right? There's no other way, because the USA media won't give real coverage to anyone else, and the USA financial backers won't fund anyone else.

So either lose. What's worse? Obama? Or Hillary Clinton? Or McCain? You'll get more war, in all likelihood, regardless. I hope I'm wrong about that...we'll see.

And what would happen if they didn't all "line up in lockstep" to stop McCain? What difference would that make? How about if they all just stopped caring and didn't vote at all? (I mean the people you don't agree with here...) A Republican or a Democrat would STILL get elected, and they basically serve the main machine, you know...the one that has all the money.

So what do you want people to do? There IS no one people can vote for, come election day, who isn't deeply beholden to the machine. If there was, you wouldn't have heard much about him or her during the campaign, and you wouldn't have seen him or her at too many debates either, would you? It's a closed shop. The machine picks who you get to vote for on election day (two choices)...and then you vote...or you don't. That part's up to you. Either way, the machine gets one of its people elected. That's how it works.

You are never going to perfect the imperfections of contemporary society, GG...that's just too big, and it's not what you're really here for. You are here simply to perfect yourself (gradually). That's my opinion.