The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108897   Message #2270792
Posted By: Azizi
24-Feb-08 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Little Hawk, I've just read your comments about this subject. Let me say this-I recognize that you probably mean well. But still....

I found it interesting, Little Hawk, that your list of descriptors of television images that "ghetto-ized" Black people included "often very arrogant". Is "arrogant" the politically correct way of saying "uppidity"?

How often have you read that Barack Obama is too arrogant? And what are these people really saying?

Also, isn't "mouthy, loud, crude,...ignorant-sounding and obnoxious behaviour for the most part", in the eye of the beholder? While I certainly think that some Black people and some non-Black people are too "mouthy, loud, crude,...ignorant-sounding and obnoxious", it's possible that we might not agree on who we would attribute those descriptors to. How about George W. Bush? Do you think he is crude, obnoxious, and ignorant sounding {if not mouthy and loud}? I certainly do.

Also, with regard to Barack Obama-I believe that there are certain Black speech aesthetics such as call & response chanting and colloquial expressions which originate in African American communities that can be found in Barack Obama's speeches. and I don't think this is put on. I think this is really how Obama talks and writes.

I'll end with these comments. I'm too full of-whatever-to write anything else.