The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108897 Message #2270807
Posted By: Janie
24-Feb-08 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Azizi & Little Hawk,
I'm going to try to respond to both of you, in part, in this post, and hope to come back tomorrow to address each of your posts more specifically.
When I used the phrase "dominant African American culture," and the term "White majority", I was speaking in very broad, general terms. I was speaking from the broad perspectives of sociology and social psychology. Not stereotyping - but generalizing in very, very broad, societal terms.
I also said I was offering an opinion based on observation, not a value judgement. That does not mean I do not make personal value judgements. It means I set my own personal values and judgements aside to the extent I am able ( one can never completely do so, but one can be aware that one can never completely do so and attempt to compensate) , and pick up my my education, training and experience in sociology, psychology and social psychology to observe and describe what is, and to reach some glimmer of understanding of the whys and hows of what is in terms of what we know about how the mind works and about societal processes.
If the thread doesn't go on to the point that for me to come back to finish is meaningless, I'll try to come back tomorrow (today) to finish. But it's 3:22 am. and I am probably not very coherent, so I'm gonna say goodnight (or should it be "good morning?)